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Here are 7 Ways to Say Goodbye to Gas and Bloating

Apr 28th 2021

Here are 7 Ways to Say Goodbye to Gas and Bloating

Feeling bloated? Well, that’s quite normal. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, it’s because you’ve eaten a little too much – or maybe, your stomach’s quite unsettled with your last meal. Other times, it can be caused by excess gas buildup or problems with the muscles in your digestive system.

Whatever may have caused that gas, bloating, and nausea, we all know how uncomfortable it is to deal with such stomach problems, most especially if it unexpectedly sticks around for around too long. The good news though is that you can actually say goodbye to gas and bloating so that you can feel your best once again and get back to your regular routine.

7 Ways to Say Goodbye to Gas and Bloating

1. Watch your food intake.

Gas and bloating are most commonly caused by overeating. Note that your gut bacteria has to take action when you overeat. When you eat too much in one sitting, your gut bacteria are forced to break down your consumption and in return produce gas. This gas can build up in the GI tract and may result in slower digestion and prolonged bloating.

To avoid gas and bloating, try to use a smaller plate when eating. This helps you control the portion size of what you are about to eat. Practice mindful eating and take your time to chew your food. By doing these, you can allow your stomach to take enough time to signal your brain that it is full.

2. Stay hydrated.

Not only does drinking water help with digestion, it also keeps you feeling full; thereby, preventing you from mindlessly snacking from time to time. The key to ensuring that the food you have eaten moves through the digestive tract is to get enough fluids.

Aside from addressing your problems with regards to gas and bloating, drinking water also helps in the absorption of nutrients and prevents constipation. Find ways to better incorporate water into your everyday routine. You can carry along with you your water bottle or set an alarm on your phone to keep you reminded of your liquid intake throughout the day.

3. Walk around.

While it’s totally comforting to relax on your couch after a really good meal, this can cause gas and bloating. Experts suggest that in order to stimulate bile production and gas digestion, it would be helpful to walk around a little after eating.

Doing gentle exercise – like yoga and stretching – can also alleviate the discomfort brought along by gas and bloating. While these activities do not ensure the prevention of recurring bloating problems, these can at least help relieve your symptoms a little bit faster.

4. Go easy on fatty foods.

It takes a lot of time for your system to digest fatty foods. As a result, it slows down the speed by which the food can leave the stomach. This can be true to both healthy fats (like nuts, seeds, avocados, and the like) and less-healthy food options (like fried and processed foods).

No, you don’t necessarily need to avoid foods that contain healthy fat. However, you have to do your best to take the right proportions. You can also add gut-healthy foods like vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein to aid in the digestion process.

5. Know the cause.

While it may feel all the same way, the causes of gas and bloating may differ from one person to another. One way to solve your gas and bloating problem is to find the root cause of the problem. If you’re not the type to overeat and overindulge in fatty foods, then what could have caused such stomach discomfort?

Try to know the cause and find the specific food that causes you to feel bloated. Is it because of low stomach acid production? Maybe because you’re consuming too much fatty red meats and creamy foods? Probably alcohol, sugary foods, or chewing gum? Track down the foods that cause your symptoms and from there you can better understand how your digestive system reacts to the food you are taking in. This way, you can better rationalize what to do next.

6. Try drinking warm tea.

To help your intestinal muscles relax and relieve gas pressure buildup, sip on a warm tea after every meal. You may consider having chamomile tea or peppermint tea as these contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help calm down your stomach.

7. Go for some green superfood.

Let’s admit: meal planning takes time. Not only that you have to search through the food that you are bound to eat, preparing them would require so much time. And with all the things that you have to accomplish at home and at work, most of the time, we end up eating whatever is easily available – even if these foods can cause gas and bloating.

For you to get the right amount of the recommended daily vegetable serving, you may try to add some super green powder. Superfood powders, like pHresh greens® Raw Alkalizing Superfood, can already provide you 3 – 4 servings of raw greens in just one teaspoon! By simply adding water, you can already make a juice or smoothie that can give your body vitamins, traces of minerals, and other phytonutrients that can totally benefit your health.

The Solution: Gas and Bloating

The best way to say goodbye to gas and bloating is to be more mindful of your food intake and your routine. Try incorporating the above-mentioned solutions and see for yourself the difference these could bring to your body. Start making smarter choices. Stay healthy!