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Physical Signs When You Need To Change Your Diet

Oct 8th 2021

Physical Signs When You Need To Change Your Diet

We’ve typically heard the phrase, “you are what you eat,” and nutrition experts will tell you, so much of this is true. When you give your body the correct nourishment, it can function optimally so you feel your best.1 However, sometimes, your body communicates in more subtle ways telling you that your body isn't loving what you’re eating. Let’s say, for example, you've eaten way too much ice cream and get a stomachache immediately after, it's pretty obvious what you're eating affected your body.

But our bodies can handle a lot. Not that this is ideal, but we can function without optimal nutrition or worse, unhealthy eating patterns from time to time. This, however, is not beneficial over time. So, here are some important physical signs you have to take note of when you must change your diet:

1. You Get Migraines

Migraines are a very common problem affecting — 10% of people who suffer from pain, and foods are among the most common triggers.2 Some foods that are linked to migraine triggers include aged cheeses, red wine, chocolate, ice cream, dried fruits, and peanut butter. However, everyone with migraines may react differently to different foods, so making a food diary can help you determine what your triggers may be.

2. You Feel Anxious

Study reveals a link between certain diets and their impact on mental health. Poor diets, researchers say, play a role in worsening mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression. However, diets rich in vegetables and olive oil, such as the Mediterranean diet, can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.3

3. Bad Breath!

Your low-carb diet could be the culprit of your bad breath problem. Since carbohydrates aren't readily available, your body starts to use other fats and proteins as your source of energy, and this results in a bad breath problem. There are certain chemicals, called ketones, that are released in the breath as the body burns fat producing a bad smell.4

4. You Easily Get Exhausted

What you eat or don't eat can affect how much you do or don't sleep. Not eating enough, or eating foods that are not nutritious can cause fatigue. If you eat foods that cause spikes in your blood sugar, as soon as those sugar levels drop, you feel fatigued.5


Eating a balanced diet, complete with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein is essential to achieve optimal health. Avoid or limit junk foods high in sugar and fat if you want to be in excellent physical shape.

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