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Have your Picky Eaters eat veggies without them even knowing

Apr 13th 2022

Have your Picky Eaters eat veggies without them even knowing

Picky eating is normal for school-aged kids and even adults, says Lee Gibson, Ph.D., a reader in biopsychology and director of the Clinical and Health Psychology Research Centre at the University of Roehampton in London. ²But there are a variety of reasons why it is normal.1. Most children have about 10,000 taste buds and are also scientifically more sensitive and have a wider distribution of taste buds in their mouth than they do as an adult. This explains why some foods taste much more intense to children. ¹2. Children are programmed to like the sweet taste because it fills a biological need by pushing them toward energy sources. The taste system evolved to prefer energy-rich foods that taste sweet and reject potential poisons; bitter tastes. ², ⁴This linked all to why school-age kids are choosy in what food they want to eat. Because of that in the early ’20s, a couple invented Gummy Vitamins to entice their picky eater daughter into taking her vitamins. ³So that why pHresh Product® created pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies so now that all picky eaters can now have their greens without them even knowing.

pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies have all the greens that are needed for your daily regiment of veggies. They are the perfect combination of healthy vegetable ingredients and vitamins all in one to boost health, immunity, and wellness.

pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies are made from organic green superfoods. Each serving contains a blend of 16 raw organic greens

pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies is safe and quality guaranteed.

  • Low Sugar / Keto-friendly (and it’s organic)
  • Vegan (We love our animals)
  • No Artificial Colors or Flavors (No synthetic dyes or flavors for us)
  • Non-GMO Ingredients (Sorry, we don’t like genetically Modify Organisms)

The best part is that they taste absolutely delicious. They taste like a sweet ripe watermelon on a beautiful summer day.

pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies are the most concentrated green gummies in the market and have 10x more greens than any other product. You would need to buy 5 times as many bottles or more of another green gummies product to equal the same amount of whole food greens found in just ONE bottle of pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies.That means you can enjoy a serving of vegetables anytime, with ease! †

† Comparison based on similar green gummies

If you’d like to know more about our product please sign up for our newsletter and purchase our product.


Get pHresh now with pHresh greens® Vegan Gummies click on the link:

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