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Food as Medicine

Aug 18th 2021

Food as Medicine

Your diet plays a huge role in weight and energy, and even your mood. But did you know it could help save your life, too? What you choose to eat has profound effects on your overall health. Now, many people are catching on to the notion that certain eating habits have the potential to influence disease prevention, not to mention affects the quality of life, health, and longevity.

How Does A Healthy and Balanced Diet Help Keep Diseases Away?

Many nutrients in food foster health and strengthen the body’s immune system to protect you from diseases. Consuming whole, nutritious foods is important because their unique entities work coactively to create an effect that can’t be substituted by taking a supplement.

So, here’s the question you need to ask yourself, “what types of food usually fill your plate?”. The answer can play a major contribution to your risk for future chronic diseases. Particularly, nutritious foods may reduce your risk of diseases — while the opposite is true for highly processed foods.

Here’s what you need to obtain and avoid to keep you in better shape:

1. Organic Food

Research specifies that diets abundant in plant foods and low in processed products strengthen your health. The Mediterranean Diet, by way of example, is abounding in vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. This kind of diet is associated with a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, neurodegenerative conditions, and other chronic conditions.1 Following this kind of diet can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

2. Essential Nutrients

Simply transitioning to a diet rich in whole foods like green vegetables is the simplest way to reap the medicinal benefits of food. You need to create a meal plan that must be full of nutritious foods.

Superfoods such as dark leafy greens must be on top of your list. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale embody a wide variety of antioxidants. High consumption of these vegetables may lessen your risk of heart disease and promote longevity.3

3. Processed Products

High in sugary drinks, fast food, and refined grains are the major factors to conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. These processed foods cause harm to your gut bacteria and advance insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, and overall disease risk.2

So, if you are a health enthusiast, having more processed foods wouldn’t do any good to your health.

Why Is pHresh Greens Great For Your Body?

pHresh greens® raw alkalizing superfood is the most convenient and efficient way to get your 3 to 4 servings of vegetables every day. It has 16 nutrient-dense, raw vegetables, cereal grasses, and algae that were carefully selected for their highly alkalizing properties.

This superfood powder fuels your body with essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and more. pHresh greens® contains cruciferous vegetables that consist of food medicinal benefits. This way, you’ll never miss the chance of getting the vital nutrients you need! It’s definitely perfect for your diet plan!


A nutrient-dense diet of whole foods has been proven to halt different kinds of chronic diseases and may help treat some conditions.

However, take note that although nutritious food is considered as medicine and also one of the most vital factors in having a long, healthy life, keep in mind that you should not depend alone on food to replace conventional medicine.

To know more healthy tips, check pHresh Products.