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5 Amazing Benefits of Barley Grass

Sep 1st 2021

5 Amazing Benefits of Barley Grass

Barley grass — barley leaves and barley greens — is the leaf of the barley plant. It has been studied extensively for its beneficial health effects and is often featured in green juices, tablets, gummies, and supplements. It is a good source of many nutrients, including fiber, polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamins A, C, and K.1

Here’s what you need to know more about Barley grass:

1. Weight Loss Effects

Barley grass is low in calories but high in fiber. It’s perfect for a healthy weight loss diet. Fiber moves through your body slowly, keeping you feeling fuller for longer to control cravings and reduce hunger. In fact, several studies have found that increasing your fiber consumption could help weight loss.2

2. Full of Antioxidant

Barley grass is rich in vitamins A and C, which act as antioxidants. These vitamins help fight off free radicals that can damage your body. They help carry free radicals out of the body and lower your risk of chronic diseases.3

3. Promotes Bone Health

Barley grass can help prevent or reverse osteoporosis. Studies show that Barley grass has enough calcium to obstruct bone problems. Calcium is the main building block of bones, and having a good source of calcium in your diet is vital for bone health. Plus, it can help maintain your teeth healthy, especially when combined with the phosphorus that’s also found in barley grass.4

4. Lower the Chance of Getting a Heart Attack

Barley grass also contains compounds like saponarin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and tryptophan, all of which have been linked to decreased blood pressure, reduced inflammation, and improved heart health.5

5. Body Toxin Reduction

Your body is your temple. The only way to truly preserve your temple is to maintain good overall health, but modern life can make this difficult. We burden our bodies by eating junk food all of the time, failing to find ways to address our stress levels, or simply not finding the time to take care of ourselves properly.

The good thing about Barley grass is that it’s a natural detoxifier that can help us deal with the physical repercussions of these bad habits. Also, the chlorophyll and beta carotene content of barley grass stimulates the elimination of waste materials. This way we are getting rid of the waste in our system by using a natural remedy that doesn’t negatively affect any aspect of our health.6

It’s good to know that our pHresh greens® raw alkalizing superfood is packed with nutrient-dense ingredients such as Barley grass. Knowing some of the benefits of this holy grass makes a great difference in your healthy lifestyle.

pHresh greens® raw alkalizing superfood is a green superfood powder that offers all of these health perks. Contact us if you have any questions.