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Introduction to pH

May 19th 2021

Introduction to pH

Knowing your alkaline pH level is essential to keep your body in good shape. Worried about your health? Let’s know more about your pH and what you can do to boost your pH level.


pH, also known as ‘potential of hydrogen' or 'power of hydrogen', is a scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of one’s alkaline. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7.0 is the normal level. Blood has a normal pH range of about 7.35 to 7.45. Usually, the body retains the pH of blood close to 7.40.1

How do you know if your pH is in a normal state?

pH Measurement

It is vital to be aware of whether your pH is balanced or off. Why is it necessary to do so? If you are excessively acidic, you may easily get exhausted, find it hard to lose weight because of indigestion, experience terrible body aches and pains, and even worse, encounter more serious health conditions.2

A rough indication of pH can be obtained using alkaline pH test strips, papers, or indicators, which change color as the pH level varies. pHresh strips™ - pH testing strip is the easiest way how to test or measure your pH level. All you’ve got to do is take one pHresh strip, place it in a sample of your urine or saliva, and hold it there for 15 seconds. Then, take the strip off the sample and compare it up to the pH chart to get your reading and get accurate results. It’s easy, reliable and fast!

pHresh greens!

To balance your pH and optimize your health and well-being, eating a wide array of green superfoods

(see this alkaline list) and limiting the intake of acidic foods – processed food, soda and such would help. Another way to stabilize your pH level is to drink alkaline water.

You can alkalize your typical water at home by adding pHresh greens® raw alkalizing superfood. This superfood powder has 16 raw, organic ingredients that were carefully selected for their highly alkalizing properties such as parsley, kale, broccoli, spinach, and many more. It provides 3-4 servings of raw greens which your body needs in just 1 tablespoon! Plus, it has no added artificial sweeteners, fillers, or additives! It is easy to prepare and can be mixed not only with water but also with your favorite smoothie or juice. You must not miss this superfood’s wonders!


Having a healthy lifestyle is a must to keep up with your daily activities. Check out more of our superfood powders that will surely keep you active throughout the day! Make sure to check your pH levels regularly with our pHresh strips™ - pH testing strips.

You can contact us for more information.