What are the Benefits of Eating Your GREENS?
Oct 13th 2020
So What Are the Benefits of Going Green?
No, I’m not talking about recycling (which we should all do anyway). I’m talking about supplementing your nutrition program with raw greens, usually in powder form. Obviously if you’re following a healthy eating plan, you’re working on eliminating unhealthy foods and replacing them with healthy fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and lean proteins.
You may feel like you’re getting all of the nutrition you need from the healthy foods in your diet… me too, right? But on a whim (and a tremendous sense of curiosity), I decided to add a green vegetable supplement to my routine. I wanted to see if they would REALLY make a difference. And now, after personally experiencing positive, noticeable results, I’m a daily greens user.
What are Raw Greens?
They usually consist of a combination of ingredients such as algae, broccoli, spinach, beet powder, wheat grass, oat grass, apply fiber, spirulina, tomato powder, probiotics, and many more. Greens are packed tons of vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, carotenoids, and enzymes.
For example, greens provide you with tons of vitamin K, A, and C, providing antioxidant protection against free radical damage.
Greens are known to support immune system strength, aid in digestion and absorption, as well as cleanse and detoxify the body.
So What Did I Personally Experience to Get Me Using Greens on a Regular Basis?
Definitely clearer skin and a more regular digestive system. And frankly, as much as I work out and stress my body with travel (and the everyday trials and tribulations of being a working mom), I feel like my immune system has been strengthened, my hormones stay balanced, and my sugar cravings are nonexistent. When I skip my greens, I notice a real difference and because of this, I was convinced greens needed to be included in my 12 week super shred plan.
There are a Huge Number of Options When it Comes to Which Greens You Should Use.
I have tried several great ones. The current ones that I personally suggest include; Dales Raw Greens, Vita mineral Greens Isagenix Greens (not GF) and now one of my new favorites, pHresh Greens Superfood (Gluten Free). I like that all it takes is 1 tsp (of a VERY green powder!) to get a complete daily serving of greens.
pHresh Greens
- Made with 16 ingredients that were carefully selected for their high pH.
- Non-GMO and non-irradiated
- No yeast
- No soy
- No animal products (so no unnecessary fillers).
- No preservatives
- No artificial colors, sweeteners, or sugars
- Gluten Free
- No Egg, dairy, caffeine, herbicides, pesticides, or synthetic chemicals
I like that profile, and I feel like whether I incorporate it into water, juice, or even one of my favorite smoothies, it delivers the results I need on a regular basis! AND, all you do is mix them with a small amount of water, juice, OR add them to a whole food smoothie.
To ORDER pHresh greens click HERE.
And, if you enter coupon code NATALIEJILLFITNESS at checkout you will save 10% on pHresh Products!
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