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Do Green Superfood Powders Help You Fight Infection?

Nov 3rd 2021

Do Green Superfood Powders Help You Fight Infection?

It is another vital factor to know how to fight infection to attain perfect health. Let’s take a closer look at infections and actions you can take to help prevent becoming ill. An infection occurs when another organism enters your body and causes disease. The organisms that cause infections are very diverse and can include things like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. You can acquire an infection in many different ways, such as directly from a person with an infection, via contaminated food or water, and even though the bite of an insect.1

Thus, one of the best ways to reduce your likelihood of getting ill or being struck down by an infection like the flu is by ensuring you are receiving the necessary amount of essential nutrients every day. However, if you are swamped with work, then preparing a nutritious meal could be burdensome!

In this article, you will know why green superfood powders can help you fight infections!

When you're tired from work and hungry, you don't want to be caught without options. Keep your kitchen stocked with nutritious foods at all times so you can quickly put together a healthy meal or snack. Be that as it may, going to the supermarket can be time-consuming and more tiring — long queues, dense traffic, rush hour, name it! That’s why there’s no better or easier way to procure requisite vitamins and minerals from vegetables than consuming a green superfood powder!

How do green superfood powders help you fight against infection?

Green superfood powders contain high levels of vitamins and minerals associated with maintaining a healthy immune system. Vitamin A has anti-inflammatory properties that enhance immunity. For example, selenium is found in most green powders and is proven to help the immune system fight infection.2

Aside from that, green powders, packed with an array of potent vegetables, grasses, herbs, and extracts, are a quick and easy way to make sure your nutritional intake is covered. In addition, green powders can actually provide other, more specific health benefits that will help you get through different seasons without even a sneeze!

Consequently, the ingredients within green superfood powders supply a wide range of vitamins and minerals that are not only essential to overall daily health but also support the immune system and therefore reduce the likelihood of illness.

Obviously, the body needs to be at an optimum level of health to defend itself from illnesses, but it’s also crucial that the immune system is specifically targeted so that the likelihood of getting sick is low.

Vitamin A, C, and E are three specific vitamins that increase the strength of the immune system.3 Superfood such as kale, spinach, collard, and spirulina contain high amounts of these vitamins, meaning that a green powder that contains these ingredients (substantially dosed, of course) will boost the immune system.

What’s the best green superfood powder to boost immunity and help you fight against illnesses caused by infection?

Green superfood powders’ formulas typically contain a vast number of ingredients, and although each ingredient does provide health benefits and aid to fight illnesses, there are some specific ones that you should look out for if you’re trying to fight off infections. These ingredients must be stuffed with vitamin A, C, E, D, Selenium, Folic Acid, Zinc, and Iron.4

Worry no more! pHresh greens® raw alkalizing superfood contains 16 nutrient-dense, raw vegetables, cereal grasses, and algae that were carefully selected for their highly alkalizing properties. This green superfood powder has been made especially for you to be ready to go without being wary of being infected!


Fighting off something like a cold or allergies that are triggered by infections takes a commitment, to say the least. No one wants a sickness to linger or allergies to bear the brunt of your attention each day so boosting your immune system is important for now and later. Making sure you’re also supplementing your body with the proper nutrition so that your immune system is firing on all cylinders is a key part of maintaining optimal immune system function.

Want to read more health-related tips? Visit pHresh Products!